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Streamlining Crane Rental for Construction Professionals

CranePick FAQs

What is CranePick?

CranePick connects customers with qualified crane rental companies. By submitting a single Statement of Work (SOW), our geolocation technology matches your project with nearby crane partners making the rental process effortless.

How does CranePick work?

CranePick streamlines the crane rental process. Just imagine: You submit your SOW, and our team takes care of the rest. We review and vet the proposals, providing you with standardized options for your job site.

Why should I use CranePick?

We understand the challenges of finding the right crane company for your project. CranePick saves you time and effort by centralizing the process. Submit your SOW once, and let the quotes come to you. It's about making informed decisions based on price, proximity, and performance, all in one convenient place.

Are the crane partners on CranePick reliable and trustworthy?

We rigorously vet all our crane partners to meet stringent quality and safety standards. We partner only with top-tier vendors, ensuring you receive reliable and professional service for every project. Trust us to connect you with the best in the business.

What types of projects does CranePick support?

CranePick specializes in telecommunications projects, offering crane solutions for antenna installations, tower maintenance, decommissions, and small cell setups. Connect with expert vendors equipped for your specific needs.

How can I get started with CranePick?

Getting started is easy! Simply visit our website at CranePick, search for a jobsite, and begin the journey of simplified crane RFPs. Our user-friendly interface and guidance will walk you through the process smoothly.

Is it all about the low bid?

Not in this business. Price matters, but it’s just one aspect. At CranePick, we consider availability, thoroughness, and site proximity to ensure you get top-quality service that meets your project needs.

CranePick has helped construction professionals save hundreds of hours in crane search, coordination & communication.